Manage Imagotag PoliciesNEW!

Go to Policies > Imagotag.

The Imagotag window includes:

View Configured Policies

The Imagotag window displays a list of all configured policies in tabular form, if any exist. The total number of configured policies displays in parentheses.

Imagotag Policy Table Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the table.

Table 1. Imagotag Policy Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Imagotag Name Displays the Imagotag policy name.
Enable Displays the status of the policy as follows:
  • — indicates that the policy is enabled
  • — indicates that the policy is disabled
Channel Displays the channel assigned for ESL communicator to tag communication in the 2.4 GHz band.
Window Size Displays the transmission window size for messages exchanged between ESL communicator and tags.
Payload Size Displays the maximum payload size in packets exchanged between ESL communicator and tags.
Output Power Displays the maximum output power set for the ESL communicator.
SSL Indicates whether Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption mode of communication is enabled, as follows:
  • — indicates that SSL encryption is enabled
  • — indicates that SSL encryption is disabled
FCC-Mode Indicates whether the FCC compatibility mode is enabled on the ESL communicator, as follows:
  • — indicates that FCC compatibility mode is enabled
  • — indicates that FCC compatibility mode is disabled

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